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Image by Spencer Davis

 MISSION   just cant be built in a day


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Proceed with caution!! Hardhats, Eye Protection, Hearing Protection and Heavy Work Boots are strongly encourage as you enter these unfinished webpages and it is going to get thick! There are misspelled words and things that just don’t make sense at this time that can damage the eyes and cause headaches. We will welcome you back in the near future as we work on completing this page.

               Your patients and support is greatly appreciated at this time and we Thank You!!


                                              THE CCISPRO.COM MANAGEMENT

CCISPRO is a Construction Consultant expert based in Florida.

We specialize as a 3rd party - owner representative. We work with: Owner/ Builders, Condo Boards / H.O.A.’s,  Architects and Engineers and Building Recertification and Safety Programs. We Investigate Construction Fraud and Unlicensed Activity and offer services as an Expert Witness in Litigation and Lawsuits. We offer services to property owners working with municipalities to resolve Code Cases and Building Code Violations.

Our business model is very, very different from 99% of the contractors in the Industry. Contact CCISPRO today to find out how we can start saving you money and protecting your investment the right way.

The CCIS Mission & Why…

To Educate and Empower the Homeowners, Owner- Builders & Project Owners

To Serve and Protect as a Building Inspector

To Consultant and Advise as a General Contractor


As a Building Inspector I have performed over 30,000 structural building inspections while employed with one of the largest municipalities in South Florida. I have met with thousands of property owners. I have found that a lot of property owners are like me where they consider their personal property their home or residence as their greatest investment and their castle!

Over the years of my career, I have been ashamed of some of the unethical licensed contractors that I have encountered and have dealt with as a building inspector. Please do not misunderstand, I do not say this in general, as my personal belief and experience this applies to roughly 20% of the licensed contractors within the industry.

The other 80% of the license contractor I do believe are good people, with good intentions and they are trying to make a respectable living within the construction industry while stiving to do the right thing for their customers and bring projects to a successful completion.

The problem facing the homeowner… finding the right contractor, who to trust and be able to work with.

Part of the services we offer within CCIS is helping the property/ project owner finding the right contractors.

As a General Contractor part of my fiduciary responsibility is To lead and to uphold The Principles and Practices of the licenses which I personally hold and for what they stand for.

CCIS will lead by example, will uphold and restore integrity within the construction/ contracting industry.

To The Building Inspectors and Building Officials Statewide:

For those of you who hold a Professional State License (structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing), and that do not do their job as required ( the 20% that do NOT versus the 80% that do!), we are watching! We are looking! We will find you!

We will call you out one by one! We will hold you accountable for your lack of action and/ or job performance or thereof.

No one makes you become a Building Inspector/ Building Official.

If you cannot or will not do your job as required, Resign!

The property owners and project owners that obtain the required permits pay your salary and expect you to perform a quality building inspection. There by protecting the property and improvements being made hence protecting the property and project owner.

Your responsibility as an Inspector does not end with the inspection itself!

It begins when you walk on the jobsite! Who is working on that property and project? Who is licensed? Who is an employee? Who is a properly licensed and insured as a sub-contractor?

When you drive past a property that has work being performed is a job permit posted as required?

When you see that famous unmarked white van or truck loaded with related tools, equipment and materials who is that person? What is the company’s name? What licenses do they hold as required by State Law?

The LICENSED CONTRACTORS expect their local Building Departments and Inspectors to ask these questions!

There by protecting the LICENSED CONTRACTORS and the construction/ contracting industry.


For those of you who would intentionally do wrong by taking bribes, scamming, lack of performing a quality inspection and just sign off and walk away, we are watching!

We will pursue you and we will bring you to justice and hold you accountable!

CCIS Is watching! GOD is watching and He backs us up!

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Eagle Flying

All Men are created equal

Some work harder in pre-season 

State Wide Services


772 400 7502



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7901 4th Street North

STE- 11193

St. Petersburg, FL 33702



Mailing Address Space Coast and Treasure Coast


2160 58th Avenue #250

Vero Beach, FL 32966


Mailing Address South Florida


6278 N. Federal Hwy.  #577

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

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           CCISPRO.COM is Independently Owned, Operated and Administered by Bobby Masula to ensure that there is NO EXTERNAL INTERFERENCE and/ or INFLUENCE

                                                                            Which commonly takes place in Government every day

                                                                                  CCIS,LLC All rights reserved September 2024

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